Tuesday, February 8, 2011

An Experiment in Untamed Communication

You may be asking yourself, “What’s this, another blog to add to the innumerable others?” Why yes in fact it is, nothing more and nothing less. I apologize in advance.

I intend to give my digestive grumblings a microphone, perhaps a mistake. Thus, I shall ramble about a book or two perhaps a movie for “kicks and giggles,” though I rather doubt it. I have fallen victim to blogging by this thought: it is of little likelihood that I will ever write extensive essays on The Brothers Karamazov or Surprised by Joy or Either/Or so why not jot a few impressions in a blog. I do not intend to give a synopsis of this and that, for I am certain that you can find something of the sort on Wikipedia or Google. Dear me, I cannot imagine being responsible for such a formidable task as writing a synopsis of Either/Or. If I were to attempt such a thing, I am certain that it would be longer than Either/Or itself and Kierkegaard would resurrect himself with the sole intention of destroying it for me! Rest in peace Soren, for I shall do no such thing. I shall merely give what I can, a few feeble impressions of mine, perhaps barely more than a word or two.

This seems to be an excellent time for me to ramble about books, for I am currently a full time student with the majority of my time committed to reading and maundering about it, though formal school papers allow no such thing. Professors require of their students the utmost in formula and method, for what would professors do if they had to read boring papers that in addition to being boring were jumbled in thought and structure? Thus, professors require that their students give a thesis statement and follow the strictest formula. The professors can’t be blamed – one such professor described his predicament as having to read a War and Peace written by nineteen year olds. Poor chap! I can’t imagine. So in reverence to my esteemed professors, I write a thesis statement followed by an explanation that tells precisely what I am presenting in my shabbily put together argument. But in contrast to those school essays about books, blogs are much different beasts, untamed ones.

The writing process has always interested me, though for much of the time I did not realize it. I am struck by the question, “how does a person go about expressing what it is that he or she thinks he is thinking or feeling?” Naturally much thought is filtered and poorly communicated when expressed; probably the expression of thought and feeling is a rather different beast than the one that was thought or felt in the first place. But we do try at least.

Thus, these written impressions of books shall be untamed and probably not correspond all too well with my original impression that led to my writing an entry. Nonetheless, I shall attempt, if for nothing else than the sheer enjoyment of the process of thinking and expressing.

And so it begins.

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